Universidade de Lisboa

Erasmus+ AdvancedComputing

AdvancedComputing is a consortium that funds travel within Europe in academic activities in the topics of Artificial Intelligence, High-Performance Computing, High-performance Visualization, Programming, Statistics, Big Data, etc...

Reference: 2022-1-PT01-KA131-HED-000067571

For BSc, MSc and PhD students of U.Lisboa

AdvancedComputing funds between 2 and 12 of study abroad. You should apply the same way you do for regular Erasmus, and let your Erasmus office know that they can use these funds.

Additionally, we also fund between 2 and 12 months of intership abroad. Same procedure applies.

PhD students and recent PhD graduates of U.Lisboa

PhD students and recent PhD graduates of U.Lisboa have funding for short stays between 5 and 30 days. This funding can be used to attend summer schools or other learning activities.

To apply, send an email ceadvancedcompu@fc.ul.pt with your school's international office in CC, with the following documentation:

Note that activies can only start 45 days after the deadline, and before 6 months have passed before the grant is awarded.

For Professors and Staff of U.Lisboa

There are two funding opportunities:

Note that visiting a collaborator can be considered job shadowing, as you will be learning how they conduct research in their country.

To apply, send an email ceadvancedcompu@fc.ul.pt with your school's international office in CC, with the following documentation:

Note that activies can only start 45 days after the deadline, and before 6 months have passed before the grant is awarded.

More Information


The funding announcement and the necessary forms are available in this folder.

Funding amount

The funding is the same as via regular Erasmus programs.

For staff short-term stays, funding can range from 90 to 130€ per day, plus travel bonus. The full amounts are available in this file.

For student short-term stays, funding is 70 euros/day (between the 1st and the 14th day) and 50 euros/day (between the 15th and 30th day).

Accepted Mobilities


Do I need to be accepted at a Summer School/Training Course/Internship/University before the submission deadline?

Ideally yes, but you can submit the letter later.

Do you have suggestions of courses?

Feel free to suggest any course. Here is a small list of possible courses, not exhaustive.

Other Questions

For additional questions, please contact ceadvancedcompu@fc.ul.pt or your Faculty Erasmus Office
